Slipstitch Cap by Still River Mill

Slipstitch Cap

October 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
6 stitches = 1 inch
in Slipstitch Pattern
US 6 - 4.0 mm
145 - 150 yards (133 - 137 m)
This pattern is available from for $5.00.

This pattern is available for FREE with purchase of the yarn.

This fancy looking cap is surprising easy as only one color yarn is worked at a time. Shown in five colors, more could easily be added.

Pattern consists of 12 rounds repeated, changing yarns used for each repeat.

Adult Medium, alternate sizing can be accomplished by changing needle size to alter gauge. Circumference: 20”

Still River Mill Yakaboo Worsted 40% Yak, 40% Merino, 20% Bamboo; 30 yards per 10 gram skein 5 skeins each separate color.

Recommended needle size:
Four US #6 double pointed needles and
US #6 Circular needle 24” or shorter.