Slouchy Bobble Hat by Hope Bell

Slouchy Bobble Hat

November 2016
Aran (8 wpi) ?
see notes
US 10 - 6.0 mm
190 - 210 yards (174 - 192 m)
large slouchy adult
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

Mrs Weasley inspired hat
All images from movie are owned by Warner brothers and not associated in any way.
Im just a big HP fan and this totally reminded me of mrs Weasleys beret in HP1 :)
Size: adult baggy
Yarns: 1 ball: Malabrigo worsted in verde esperanza
Needles: Set of US 10 (6 mm) Double pointed needles and 16” circular needle (or just the DPN’s) (go down a size if your knit on the loose side)
Gauge: (in round 5 pattern- rep 3 times=3.5”)

Stitch Dictionary (stitches used in pattern):
Beg: beginning
DPN: double pointed needle
K: Knit
K2tog: Knit next 2 sts together
KFB: knit front and back of stitch
MB: Make bobble ( kfb, kfb,turn and knit back over 3 sts, turn work and purl back those same 3 stitches, turn, k1, k2tog, pass last stich over (bind off that stitch)you should end with the same sts you started with )
P: Purl
P2tog: Purl two together
Pm: place marker
Rep: repeat
Sm: slid marker from left needle to right
st(s): stitch(s)

Also I’m available for any questions! (I usually respond within minutes during business hours (pacific standard time) :)