Snowflake Lace Angel Top Set 10 inch Berenguer by WeGirls

Snowflake Lace Angel Top Set 10 inch Berenguer

by WeGirls
Sport (12 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 7 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
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Pattern designed to fit the 10 inch chubby Berenguer Baby Dolls as modeled.
Hand knitting pattern consists of top, pants, cap and booties using the snowflake lace pattern in the body of the top and the legs of pants. All pieces are knit bottom up.

easy to knit- stitches used: knit, purl, inc, dec, yo, psso, k2tog, K2tog TBL
1 -1/4oz ( for main color) sport wt yarn yarn used-Hobby Lobby I Love This Sport
1oz. sport wt yarn or aran wt yarn for contrasting color if you desire (such as for pants or trim on top & cap)
Size US 3 ( 3.25mm) and US 4 ( 3.50mm) ( preferably 24” circular needle-(size 4) outfit is not knit in the round but easier to complete knitting using a circular needle avoiding the use of stitch holders.
2 – 3/8” buttons
2-3 yds- 3/8” satin ribbon
Yarn needle for sewing seams
Thread and needle for attaching buttons

The red set was knit using the same sport wt yarn and “Moon & Stars” by Red Heart Yarns for the first 2 rows of top and cap. You could also use an eyelash yarn such as Bernat Boa.

Gauge: 5 sts & 7 rows= 1” on size 4 needles