Sockan Hej by Beatrice Olsson

Sockan Hej

December 2020
Light Fingering ?
36 stitches = 4 inches
US 0 - 2.0 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
328 - 465 yards (300 - 425 m)
EUR 34-42
This pattern is available from for kr.57.00.

This pattern is active again! This pattern is released under the courtesy of Friends and the purpose is raising funds for their work against mobbing among kids and teenagers.

Read more here

It was at the first release a charity pattern sold during two months starting on the 1st of December 2020 and ends January 31st 2021 which has opened up for sales again! This time the sales runs until January 2022!

The word “Hej” means Hello in Swedish. If you wear the Friends’ Hej and the Friends’ heart you say no to mobbing, discrimination and insults.

It all starts with hello, a recognition. When you say hello it means you have chosen to see the person. So easy to do but so often a held back hello is used to ignore a person. Lets choose to see each other, let’s say Hej to each other.

The sock is in Ladie’s sizes but knitting with a tighter gauge or using a thicker yarn changes the size of the final sock.

All earnings from this pattern after taxes(VAT) and Ravelry/PayPal fees goes straight to Stiftelsen Friends.

Update 2020-12-10: A narrower chart was added