Sox Shawl by Knitternall

Sox Shawl

May 2008
Light Fingering ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
3.75 mm (F)
1000 - 1100 yards (914 - 1006 m)
This pattern is available for free.

I admit that miles of repeats and stockinette bore me. Then my overachiever nature kicks in and I obsessively knit until the project that is boring me is completed. When I started this shawl, I knew I wanted to knit it for any mom whose child is in the ICU at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. (The nurses present shawls where they see a need.) But the mitered squares lost their appeal after just three were completed. So I crocheted for a while. When that wasn’t fun anymore, I tried stockinette. And so on. Miraculously, the Sox Shawl turned out to be quite nice and has drawn oohs and aahs from non-knitters who have seen me compulsively knitting on it for the past week or so.