Sparkling Karin by Lacelegance

Sparkling Karin

May 2014
Light Fingering ?
32 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in stockinet unstretched
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
1422 - 1531 yards (1300 - 1400 m)
English Russian

Unfortunately Paypal does not accept payments for Russian designers.
You may buy the pattern here:

Video of chic and shine

Lace dress is knitted from bottom to top.

You will need underdress/slipdress (satin silk is most preferable) and about 1200-1300 Swarovski beads 3mm (bought on ebay).

The dress is more or less elastic due to knitted structure and yarn characteristic so it fits for wide size range: 36-40.

07/02/2015 Added pattern for size 54/58 (bust112-140cm) 130cm long, sleeves 63cm.
2800-2900 Swarovski beads 3mm and double yardage for long dress (2800m).

Платье связано снизу вверх по кругу до пройм, дальше перед и спинка вяжутся отдельно.

Размер: 44-48/50-52/54-58cm
Вам понадобится:
-пряжа Hasegawa Corporation KARIN Light Fingering / 3 ply 100% шелк 320м/50г – 200/400/600г
-подкладка (лучше всего использовать шелковый сатин).
Петельная проба 32п x 32р = 10 x 10см чулочной вязкой.
Все размеры указаны в см.
Спицы 2,5mm.


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