Sports Outfit - Hat by Australian Women's Weekly

Sports Outfit - Hat

June 1939
"Patona" knitting wool
7.5 stitches = 1 inch
US 0 - 2.0 mm
Round lower edge, 22 inches.
This pattern is available for free.

Closely worked in thick wool, this outfit is one of the smartest designs for sports and general winter wear. It is simply lovely under a tweed topcoat. The little hat is easy to make up from the diagram on this page.

Materials: 2oz. “Patona” knitting wool, No. 3213, blue; pair No. 14 knitting needles and 1 No. 12 “Inox” crochet hook; spartram for stiffening, and taffeta for lining.

This hat is part of a set that includes a skirt and cardigan.

Editor’s note: the diagram can be found on the first page of the article, but the pattern itself is found on the second page.