Spring Buds and Rain Block by Vicki Monthei

Spring Buds and Rain Block

May 2023
Thread ?
9 stitches and 12 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette stitch - blocked
US 2 - 2.75 mm
34 - 39 yards (31 - 36 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

My ode to May! This afghan/counterpane block combines Barbara G. Walker’s Sprig pattern, p. 32 in her Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns and her Rickrack Ribbing, p. 44 from her first Treasury. I highly recommend her Treasuries for your knitting library!
Every row begins with a yarn over and a knit stitch and ends with a purl stitch. These stitches make the triangles easier to sew together. The instructions can look daunting but the obvious pattern can be followed in the photos. 4 of these triangles are sewn together into a square. Many squares make an afghan, throw or bedspread. Adding an edging around the finished project is up to you. These items can become heirlooms and last well over 100 years when made with crochet cotton thread.
Skills needed: long-tail cast on, knit, purl, slip, yarn over, p3tog, SK2P (slip 1, k2tog, PSSO), 2-stitch cables, twisting stitches, increasing 3 stitches from 1 stitch, increasing 5 stitches from 1 stitch and bind off in knit stitch.

Gauge is not important in this pattern. Any block-able yarn/thread will work. Make a swatch to check size and appearance. If knitted to gauge, triangles will be 7” long on their short sides.