Spring Dragonfly Baby Blanket by Sharon E. Santorum

Spring Dragonfly Baby Blanket

April 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
3 stitches and 3 rows = 1 inch
in sc
5.5 mm (I)
43 " x 43"
This pattern is available for $4.99 USD buy it now

Special Stitches
Beg cluster (Beg cl) : Ch 2, yo and and insert hook in same st. YO and complete dc.

Cluster (cl): YO as if to dc and insert hook in st indicated. YO and draw loop through 2 loops on hook. (2 loops left on hook.) YO once again and insert hook in same st. Draw up another loop on hook. (4 loops on hook.) YO and draw through 2 loops on hook. (3 loops remain on hook.) Y0 and draw through rem loops on hook to complete cluster.

½ oz. Brown White worsted weight #4 yarn
½ oz. Brown White worsted weight #4 yarn
3 ½ oz. Purple worsted weight #4 yarn
3 ½ oz. Mint Green worsted weight #4 yarn
3 ½ oz. Light Yellow worsted weight #4 yarn
3 ½ oz. Blue worsted weight #4 yarn
8 oz. Pink worsted weight #4 yarn