Stay-at-home-socks by Bettina Cross


Lana Grossa Meilenweit 100
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
English German
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The pattern includes instructions in German and English!

Most of the socks I knit are for Andrew, my dearest friend and beloved partner. The challenge is to find something not too fancy – in colour and pattern – for him and not too boring for me, especially because these men-socks are so big.

Therefore I started to work on my own ideas for men-socks. This is so much fun and quite exciting! At the same time this pattern is pretty simple and allows “mindless knitting” which is also important.

The pattern now also shows how to knit the gusset and the toes.
So either you choose the length of the cuff ribbing, your favourite heel flap variation and your favourite toes yourself or you follow my instructions through the entire sock from cast on over gusset heel to the toes.