Summer shawl - sumarskakki by Ilmur Dögg Gísladóttir

Summer shawl - sumarskakki

Lace ?
US 7 - 4.5 mm
English Icelandic

This shawl is inspired by The Blue shawl (Blár skakki) by Margrét Gísladóttir, from the book Three cornered and long shawls by Sigríður Halldórsdóttir.

I started the shawl because I wanted a simple project to work on during my summer vacation, and I had a lot of Einband (Icelandic laceweight) leftovers. I love colors and don’t like knitting with only one color, so this project was perfect for me as Einband comes in so many beautiful colors.

The shawl was a present for a good friend of mine and she uses it equally for weddings and more mundane situations, like going out for a walk.

This pattern is included in the book Iceland Knits, read more about it here:

Happy knitting!