Sunny the Jackalope by Maffers

Sunny the Jackalope

by Maffers
July 2020
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.0 mm
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available from for $4.80.

The jackalope is a ‘fearsome critter’ - a staple of North American folklore. The veteran loggers at logging camps would hoax newcomers with murmurings of critters such as hugags, hodags, gumberoos and jackalopes - hares with the antlers of deer. The newcomers would then go off into the woods in the hope of tracking the fabled beast. Hours later, they would trundle back to the camp, only for the veteran loggers to reveal that there was no such critter all along, and they’d all laugh, shoveling mouthfuls of bigfoot steak down their necks.

Sunny, however, is as real as you or me. She’s eluded campers for centuries - thanks to her laziness rather than any real survivalist instincts. She quite contentedly sleeps away, blissfully unaware of the world around her.