Swimsuit for Blythe by Natalie Scrimshire

Swimsuit for Blythe

August 2015
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD buy it now

Summer is almost gone for some parts of the hemisphere, but Blythe needs a swimsuit for those last hot weeks.

This is knitted mostly in one piece and seamed up at the hips. The shape is formed from increases and decreases. The ties can be loose yarn (as shown on my sample), or crochet chains.

Embellish if you like.

P.S. The beads and charms you see in the photograph are attached to my doll. They are the pull cords.

Please see my blog for stitch abbreviation that is referred to in the pattern: pandorasknittingbasket@blogspot.com.