Sybi Raglan by Aja Johannes

Sybi Raglan

October 2023
Acid Raindrop
Macaron Mini Set
yarn held together
Light Fingering
+ Light Fingering
= DK (11 wpi) ?
24 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
771 - 2000 yards (705 - 1829 m)
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

Thank you for checking out the Sybi Raglan pattern!

This pattern is brought to you through many hours of editing, drafting, number crunching and so many other labors of love!

Sybi is a top down, raglan sweater using the Ridge Rib pattern in the round. You can choose to make long or short sleeves. It’s lovely as a tee.

A huge thank you to Malia of Malia Mayes It for the yarn support and for understanding the vision.

Katherine has my forever gratitude for embarking on this long and tedious journey with me.

The original sample was knit with 2 strands of Malia Mayed it Platinum Sock held double throughout the pattern. Please note that you may have to experiment with needle sizes to achieve gauge.

Ease is up to personal preference HOWEVER, designed to have 4-8” of ease in each size.

Size 1: to fit 28-30” bust, actual garment size: 34” bust

Size 2: to fit 32-34” bust, actual garment size: 38” bust

Size 3: to fit 36-38” bust, actual garment size: 42” bust

Size 4: to fit 40-42” bust, actual garment size: 47” bust

Size 5: to fit 44-46” bust, actual garment size: 51” bust

Size 6: to fit 48-50” bust, actual garment size: 55” bust

Size 7: to fit 52-54” bust, actual garment size: 59” bust

Size 8: to fit 56-58” bust, actual garment size: 64” bust

Size 9: to fit 60-62” bust, actual garment size: 68” bust


These figures are estimates. Remember, yarn is held double throughout unless you use a yarn that meets gauge while held single.

Sizes 1-3:
2302.06 yards

Sizes 4 + 5:
3379.42 yards

Sizes 6-9:
3800-4000 yards.

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