Tappetino Rotundo, Fig. 8 by Lavori artistici a calza design team

Tappetino Rotundo, Fig. 8

Uncinetto "Ancora" #10
Thread ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
120 cm. diameter, 268 rounds

Needle size given as 8/0; presumably old German sizing system.

Lavori 7, Fig 8 instructions say this about the materials and supplies: “Per l’esecuzione occorre Cordonetto n. 10 ed 1 gioco d’aghi del n. 2.”

Circular knitted tablecloth with elaborate floral patterning, with no mesh openwork in the main body. The background is stockinette and the design of flowers and leaves is formed by increases and groups of decreases which form petal tips in overlapping layers, some crossed stitch texture at the bases of flowers. Edging has chevrons of faggoting and stockinette wedges, and is finished with a crocheted chain.

The photo makes it appear as if this pattern is very similar to or the same as Goldmohn. However, it is not. This two designs are distinctively different.