The Bedbugbear by Eserehtanin (Nina)

The Bedbugbear

October 2017
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
2.5 mm
This pattern is available for free.

So, this is the pattern for my design The Bedbugbear. A neat little guru that likes to hang out in beds and collect nightmares. The Bedbugbear stores the dreams in its night cap, so it really prefers to keep the cap on, no matter what. However, I will warn you right away - I don’t have any pattern for the cap since I really just sew it by feeling. I measure the head of the guru and then I just cut out two triangular pieces of cloth, add a rubber band in the lining and just try to make the best of it. Anyhow, back to the bedbug. I use a thin yarn (details in my blog) and by doing so, this particular bear will measure about 19 cm while standing up, and 15 cm while sitting down. Hook size: 2,5. Safety eyes size: 10 mm.

If you by any chance use it and want to share or sell your creation, please make a note about the gurus origin.