The Lynton Coat for Autumn Wear by The Lady's World Fancy Work Book

The Lynton Coat for Autumn Wear

Sirdar Sport Weight Wool (5 Ply)
Sport (12 wpi) ?
6 stitches = 1 inch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Materials: 1½lbs. fawn “Sirdar” Sports Wool, Shade 823; ½lb. dark brown. “Sirdar” Sports Wool, Shade 007; 1 pair steel needles, size 8; 1 steel buckle (to be covered.)

Measurements: Total length from neck to hem, 28 inches; length from wrist to wrist, 48 inches.

This smartly-designed three-quarter coat is knitted in brown and fawn “Sirdar” Sports Wool, with a check pattern for trimming. The whole of the coat is in stocking stitch. The collar being of a most convenient style, can be worn open, showing the check pattern, or close to neck, whichever is preferred.

Editor’s note: The Sirdar Sports Wool is a much earlier 5ply (British weight system) version than the one in the Ravelry database which is an Aran (10ply) weight.