The No Swatch Needed Shawl by Kim Langley

The No Swatch Needed Shawl

November 2019
Sport (12 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 12 rows = 4 inches
in lace pattern after blocking
US 11 - 8.0 mm
240 - 270 yards (219 - 247 m)
one size
This pattern is available for $3.50 USD buy it now

This pattern is designed to showcase the traditional Shetland lace pattern, feather and fan, and the shawl is designed to be knit without a swatch.

The No Swatch Needed Shawl is designed for all the knitters who admit that they do not like to swatch. This pattern works out every time and you do not need to swatch.

2 balls of Bohemia Sport. One ball for the body
approximately a third of a ball for the trim.
In the photo the body is worked in gaslight and the trim in
US11 (8 mm) circular needle, I recommend a 32” cable
Stitch Markers; for marking pattern repeats

The body of the shawl requires one skein of yarn. No swatching is required because the pattern is a simple lace repeat that begins with a 20 stitch cast on, increases to a maximum of 72 stitches (50% of the skein) and then tapers back to 20 stitches. The pattern is simple and is presented in a series of charts. The knitter can stop the body before the final row (Row 134) when one is running out of yarn, just switch to the contrast yarn, skip to the final chart (Chart I, work Row 134 and continue following the instructions.

The body of the shawl features the Shetland lace stitch Feather and Fan/Old Shale. The pattern repeat is 18 stitches with a border stitch at each end of the row. The lace pattern gradually increases, adding pattern repeats and creating the curve of the shawl. The pattern uses charts which provides an easy to follow and visual pattern.

It is very important to read the pattern notes before beginning the charts. I have never followed rules very well. A few accepted conventions for charts and lace knitting have been broken.