The Radiant Sports Coat by The Lady's World Fancy Work Book

The Radiant Sports Coat

August 1925
Peri-Lusta Pearl Knit No. 3
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
13 stitches = 2 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
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Materials.—6 hanks ecru “Peri-Lusta” Pearl Knit, No. 3; 1 hank black “Peri-Lusta” Peart Knit, Shade 41; 1 hank “Peri-Lustra” terra cotta, Shade 483; 1 pair No. 9 knitting needles; 1 steel crochet hook, No. 1½.

Tension.—13 sts. to 2 inches.

Measurements.—Length, 27 inches; width round bottom, 60 inches; length of sleeve, underarm, 19 inches; width of cuff. 8 inches; shoulder seams, 6 inches.

—(From “The Lady’s World Fancy Work Book.”)