The Signature Basket by Corabelle & Bree

The Signature Basket

February 2022
yarn held together
Super Bulky
+ Super Bulky
= Jumbo (0-4 wpi) ?
First 3 rounds = 4.5” across
This pattern is available for $8.00 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

INSTANT PDF DOWNLOAD CROCHET PATTERN -- this listing is for the INSTANT DOWNLOAD PATTERN ONLY, not the finished product.


This pattern includes instructions for two variations of this versatile, everyday basket! I dare you to just make one! Your friends and family will never throw away a gift bag again when you crochet them a gift basket instead. Fill the basket with baby shower goodies or birthday themed gifts. The basket can then be used as home decor, book basket, toy carrier, etc! The possibilities are limitless!

· Instant download PDF
· Finished size: two basket options measuring 9”W x 7”H or 10.5”W x 8”H
· Crochet skill level: Beginner/Intermediate
· Pattern includes materials needed, including hook size and yarn colors