Tiny Sweaters by Angela Bayout

Tiny Sweaters

January 2020
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
5 stitches and 7 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette
10 - 50 yards (9 - 46 m)
low vision format available
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download


The cutest sweaters you’ll ever knit. Great for gifting, this project encourages you use scraps to create a sweater that fits in the palm of a hand. What will you do with such a tiny sweater? Hang one on a tree, loop one on a keychain, lend one to a child’s imagination, let one be prey to your cat…the possibilities are endless!

This is knit from the bottom up with an increase round to create a plump body and raglan yoke shaping worked separately, flat, on the front and back, then stitches along the raglan edges are picked up for sleeves.
This project is meant to be worked with sock, DK, sport, or worsted scraps; the gauge given is highly approximated. I recommend DPNs US 1 (2.25 mm) through US 4 (3.5 mm).

Footnotes indicate opportunities for your design choices: “Knitters choice.” But overall the pattern is written assuming the body and sleeves are mainly worked in stockinette. You can add a simple stranded colorwork design, mini cables, or a crazy color combo. Have fun designing a tiny sweater, without human-sized commitment.

Available in two formats:
A) Two-column, 12-point font and

B) Low-vision with 24-point font, single columns, 1.5 paragraph spacing, sans serif font, black text on white, and no tables.