Tomboy: Jumpsuit by Watmoughs Knitting Studio

Tomboy: Jumpsuit

Note The name Tomboy appears in Easy Knits for Kids, but is not found in the leaflets.

To fit chest
46, 51, 56 cm (18, 20, 22 in)
Centre front seam
37, 38, 41 cm (14½, 15, 16 in)
Leg seam
20, 24, 25 cm (8, 9½, 10 in)
Sleeve seam
17, 19, 23 cm (6½, 7½, 9 in)

Maryland Double Knitting
Main Colour:
Superwash (machine washable) 13, 14, 15 balls
Tricel/Nylon Crepe 12, 13, 14 balls
Courtelle/Bri-Nylon 12, 13, 14 balls
Acrylic/Nylon 11, 12, 13 balls
1 ball of Contrast
(ball size not given)
Stitch holders
31 cm (12 in) zip fastener.