Tonal Dishcloth Set by Kwannie Cheng

Tonal Dishcloth Set

February 2025
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
one size

This set of washcloths and hand towel is a perfect
opportunity to learn a few new stitches. With every cloth
the stitches become more diffi cult, then the hand towel
is worked in a combination of the stitches.

● Scheepjes Whirl,
60% cotton/40% acrylic,
Yarn A: Sippy Sage 561
x 1 ball
● Scheepjes Whirlette,
60% cotton/40% acrylic,
Yarn B: Delicious 880
x 1 ball
● 3.5mm hook
● Stitch markers

Tension is not important for
this project. However to make
the complete set both balls of
yarn are entirely used. With a
loose tension, you might need
a second ball of yarn B.