tricotarparapeques_18 by Maria VallsIzard


May 2017
Mondial Milano 100g 270m per skein
DK (11 wpi) ?
24 stitches and 50 rows = 4 inches
in Written in pattern instructions
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
328 - 361 yards (300 - 330 m)
3-6 months
This pattern is available for free.

Suave jersey para bebé de 3-6 meses, fácil de tricotar, efecto relieve con tres cenefas en azul. Abierto detrás, para más comodidad con 6 botones. Se necesita algo más de una madeja de 100g y 270m, unos 330g. Con el sobrante salen unos patucos a conjunto que se explican en el siguiente post del blog.

Soft pull for 3-6 months baby, easy to knit, relief efect, with three strips in blue. Open in the back, easy to fit, 6 buttons. You will need a bit more than a skein of 100g and 270m, nearly 330m. Yarn left can be used to knit a pair of bootees as it is explained in next post in my blog.