Turkish Style Socks by Kathryn Doubrley-The Answer Lady

Turkish Style Socks

Machine Knitting
July 2017
DK (11 wpi) ?
6 stitches and 8 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette
100 - 900 yards (91 - 823 m)
Baby size 1 to men's size 16 in US shoe sizes

These are easier than short-rowed heels and toes in one way  because the knitting stays flat. Everyone knows how to increase and decrease and no pockets of knitting are formed.  The heel and toe shape comes from seaming the decreases  and increases together later. So there’s more finishing work  but less work on the machine. The shape of the finished heel  and toe is exactly the same either way it is made. It’s simply  a matter of having a pattern where this option is possible and  choosing between the rigors of short-rowing versus the chore of extra  seaming. This is actually a feasible option for almost all patterns although it  is rarely used when knitting tubular socks. The patterns in this book are all  designed for flat knitting and can make use of decreased heels and toes  without any problem. This design uses the same numbers and basic pattern as many of the socks in this book but decreases and increases replace the short rows. 2 gauges are given: 5 sts/7 rows/“ and 6 sts/8 rows/”. Both are workable on mid-gauge machines. The first may be used on bulkies. Use #4 yarn for the first and #3 for the second. Sizes from baby size 1 to men size 16 in US shoe sizing.