Ultimate Magic Hat by Agnese Iskrova

Ultimate Magic Hat

April 2022
20 - 200 yards (18 - 183 m)
any size - from newborn to adult

**Edited on April 2, 2022: oops, it looks like you missed it! it was available only for a short while! but worry not, it will be available again!**

Have you always wanted to make something SUPER unique? Are you always on the lookout for the latest patterns? Do you have all the ideas floating around your head, but there seems to be no pattern for just the exact thing you want to make?
That is about to change!
The Ultimate Magic Hat knitting pattern is here!
The hat can be made in any size, using any yarn weight, and there are no specific gauge or needle size requirements! That is pure magic!
This is my most versatile and most comprehensive hat pattern to date!

In fact, this pattern was 100% success with all the people who test-knitted it and there were zero issues for anyone, ever! Sounds too good to be true? See for yourself!

What’s in the works: I am planning to add Ultimate Magic Cardigan Pattern to the Ultimate Magic pattern collection, as well as Ultimate Magic Socks Pattern and Ultimate Magic Mittens Pattern.