Vertical Herringbone Hat by Zaray Buenrostro

Vertical Herringbone Hat

August 2020
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in herringbone
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
100 - 150 yards (91 - 137 m)
S, M, L
This pattern is available for $3.00 USD buy it now

Herringbone is such an attractive and mesmerizing stitch pattern. This project is the perfect size to give it a taste. Give it a go!

1 skein Lion Brand Scarfie in Cranberry Black 150g, 312yd (285m) Bulky yarn

(This project will use about half a skein)

Size 7 / 4.5mm circular needles
Size 8 / 5.0mm circular needles or size to obtain gauge
4 DPNs in larger size

Stitch marker (1) to indicate beginning of rnd

Using the larger size needles 16 st x 24 rows = 4in (10cm) in pattern.

Measurements / Sizes
Adult S (M, L)
Circumference 19 (20.5, 22)in / 48.25 (52, 56)cm.
0-2in (0-6cm) Negative ease.