Vest for little girls by Ida Thue Nielsen

Vest for little girls

January 2015
Sport (12 wpi) ?
16 stitches = 4 inches
US 8 - 5.0 mm
181 - 543 yards (166 - 497 m)
3 months: 15”/38 cm (6 months: 16”/41 cm) 12 months: 17”/43,5 cm (18 months: 18”/46 cm) 24 months: 19”/48,5 cm.
This pattern is available for free.

A simple vest for little girls. The body is knitted in garter stitch while the ruffle is knitted in seed stitch.

16 stitches = 4”/10 cm in garter stitch with two strands of yarn held
22 stitches = 4”/10 cm in seed stitch with one strand of yarn

Size US 8 circular needles (or needle size to obtain correct gauge.
An extra needle for the three-needle bind off.