Virginia 3707 by Sun-Glo Knitting Mills

Virginia 3707

Light Fingering ?
8 stitches and 9 rows = 1 inch
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
2.75 mm (C)
32/34" and 36" bust

It has instructions printed for a 32/34” bust, and the adjustments for a 36” bust are to use a vintage No. 9 needle instead of the No. 10.

The pattern also recommends a 3-ply fingering wool, but modern yarns tend to be finer, so a 4-ply fingering wool may be appropriate. Testing the gauge is the best way to know which yarn will work.

This is a pretty simple pattern, but it might require some intuitive knitting knowledge. Some instructions, such as “knit until armhole measures 7”, are not exact, and it also says to double crochet on the closing, but it does not indicate which hook size.

The sweater has negative ease and is extremely fitted. Since it is vintage, it is also shorter and ends closely below the natural waist.

The sweater is made of three stitches: knit, purl, and twist.

The pattern says to use 7 skeins for short sleeves, and 9 for long sleeves, but it seems vintage skeins were smaller, and that amount may be too much if using modern skein sizes.