Voices of light (What's in a name Mystery KAL by Meagheen Ryan

Voices of light (What's in a name Mystery KAL

no longer available from 1 source show
March 2011
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
850 - 900 yards (777 - 823 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

The winner of the naming of the shawl is hert and tis her choice to name it Voices of Light


Think about that and see what it is worth to you.

This mystery shawl will be one of Meggie’s designs that is

unpublished and has yet to be named. When KAL starts

a number randomizer will be used and the person who

purchased in that number order names the shawl.

For this shawl you will need:

750 to 800 yards fingering weight yarn

Size 5 36 inch circular needle

stitch markers

cable needle

So in order to help the children of Japan, what’s in a name will benefit Feed The Children. KAL will begin May 1, 2011.

Thank you,

The Ryan Family

KAL takes place in the Ryan group
link text

It was brought to our attention that the radiation symbol was insensitive, was just meant to point out the problem. My humblest apologies.
Orla Ryan