W Monogram Afghan w/King Charles Brocade & Cables by Lauren Olander

W Monogram Afghan w/King Charles Brocade & Cables

August 2014
Aran (8 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 16 rows = 4 inches
US 10 - 6.0 mm
3500 - 4000 yards (3200 - 3658 m)
Knitter's Choice of Size
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

Hello Ravelry Users!

This is a CUSTOM afghan that consists of the King Charles Brocade Stitch, Cables, Ladder Stitch and a gorgeous W monogram that I created from scratch for a wedding gift (W representing the newlyweds’ last name).

I’m sorry to add that I’m not able to switch out the monogram letter other than the monograms that are already in my pattern shop. There have been so many requests and if I have the time to do this in the future I will update my pattern!!! :-)

I wrote out the entire pattern line by line in Excel so the PDF for the pattern in 38 pages long. Making it this detailed made it easier for me to check off each line and make sure I was following the pattern. It is NOT complicated at all- after you get used to the stitches, it is VERY simple to do! In the stitch explanation section, the only stitch that is shown is the cable stitch. So if you can do that and knit/purl, you can definitely create this afghan!

The size I made was big enough to be used as a Queen-size bedspread, so if you’d like to make a smaller one you can use a smaller needle and use only one strand of yarn.

If you have any questions, please contact me!

Thanks and happy knitting! :)
