Warm sweater with stripes by Rasa S

Warm sweater with stripes

by Rasa S
August 2016
DK (11 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
US 4 - 3.5 mm
656 - 733 yards (600 - 670 m)
5 years old
English Lithuanian
This pattern is available for €2.00 EUR
buy it now or visit pattern website

This written pattern, charts and photographs are copyright and are the express property of the author,
do not sell, transmit, publish or pass on this publication (in printed or electronic form).
You may use this pattern to teach a class, you may not charge for this pattern, students are expected
to download the pattern themselves whenever practicable.
You may use this pattern to produce garments for charity, or to raise funds for charity
Please request permission from the author to vary from this copyright.


Mezgimo aprašymas skirtas 5 - emečio megztukui. Aprašyme daug nuotraukų, schemų, tad nesunku bus susigaudyti ir pradedančiajam.

Pastaba: parduodamas mezgimo aprašymas, ne pats megztukas.

Sukurta: Rasos Baltrušaitienės 2016
Web: www.mezgimojoga.blogspot.com
Email: rasabaltrusaiti@gmail.com
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