Water Turtle by Kuema Tutorials

Water Turtle

Scha chenmayr Catania Solids
Sport (12 wpi) ?
Dutch English German
This pattern is available from kuematutorial.de for €3.49.

Summer, sun, beach and sea, crochet your own water turtle.
You can easily crochet a turtle and become a turtle owner in just a few steps.
Have fun with crocheting KümaTutorials.

What skills are you going to need and what will you get
Magic Ring
single crochet
slip stitches

Size information
body length 6 in (15 cm)
width 4,75 in (12cm)

What material will you need
Cotton yarn:
1x 50 g pink
1x 50 g light pink
1x 50 g beige
a few meters of light blue, white, black or
packthread for the contours
crochet hook US B (1); UK 14 (2 mm) or US B (1); UK 12 (2,5 mm)
Toy Stuffing
Safety Eyes 0,4 in (10 mm)
sewing needle

Other information from the author
translation is in US American

Copyright: by KuemaTutorials
No (Re-) Sale, Sharing, Copying or Publishing of the Pattern (incl. Translation or Changed Pattern), this incl. Publishing in the Internet.