Weldon's Crescent Strip by Vicki Monthei

Weldon's Crescent Strip

April 2024
Thread ?
9 stitches and 11 rows = 1 inch
in Weldon's Crescent stitch pattern - blocked
US 2 - 2.75 mm
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This lacy, no-image pattern was in Weldon’s Practical Needlework, vol. 5, p. 12, ca. 1892. It has a 20-stitch, 8-row repeat with 5 border stitches. The pattern is a mirror image around a center purl stitch, using k2tog and SSK to shape the crescent. The wrong side rows are just knit and purl. At the stated gauge, each repeat is 2.25 inches wide.
My swatch is 4.75” wide (45 stitches) and 5.75” tall. It took me 1 hour to knit 3 inches (4 repeats) of Weldon’s Crescent pattern.

Skills needed: long-tail cast on, knit, purl, slip, k2tog, SSK, YO and bind off in knit stitch.

Gauge is not important in this pattern. Any block-able yarn/thread will work. Make a swatch to check gauge and appearance.

150 yards of #10 crochet thread will make about 20 inches of a 45-stitch-wide strip in the stated gauge.