Welling Cowl by CozyPunk

Welling Cowl

no longer available from 1 source show
October 2016
Light Fingering ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
400 - 800 yards (366 - 732 m)
One Loop, Two Loop, Mega Loop (or S, M, L)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

My alma mater is Bennington College and when I was accepted they asked you to fill out a rather long personality questionnaire so that they could sort you into which dorm they thought you would fit best. I was put in Welling, a beautiful colonial style building that had an excellent view over the valley.

I stayed in that house for all four years even though I had the option to leave. For my junior and senior year I even kept the same room. It was very small, but it had two windows (a rare treat for a single person room) one of them had that valley view and was also protected from the harsh wind by a small grove of nine pine trees. The sunsets were spectacular