WesterWaldWaves by kaeidschie


This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

A Chart showing a complete section of row 1 to row 66 is now added.

The errata only concerns the German version of the pattern!
ERRATA: In der deutschen Anleitung ist im ausgeschriebenem Chart 1, Reihe 6 ein Fehler! Tut mir Leid! Die 6. Reihe sollte lauten:

2M rechts zusammenx2, U, 2rM, U, 2rM, U, 2rM, U, 2rM, U, 2rM, U, 2M rechts zusammenx2

Vielen Dank an Wollan, die mich darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat!

15th May 2011 Westerwald, Germany

We have a pretty warm spring this year, with a lot of sunny days and nature already has the fresh green of the early summer. During the last few days I have been driving around a lot, following the streets curling through the forest and every time I ‘dove’ into the shadows I found myself surrounded by the colors of my current knitting project!

I usually don’t like the place where I have to spend most of my time much, but I enjoyed reading a new fantasy book ‘Splitterherz’, where the story takes place in the Westerwald - so I decided to like it here for at least a while. Even if I never met an awesome alp on my walks through the forest… Don’t get me wrong, it’s really beautiful here, but for me it’s too far away from the next big city.

WesterWaldWaves combines two slightly different feather and fan patterns. The one building the body has one eyelet row, the other has two eyelet rows and builds the edges. It is unequally distributed which means for example 1 pattern repeat on the one edge and 2 on the other edge, just to make the design less stern.