Where's My Coffee by Emily Philp

Where's My Coffee

June 2021
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
1050 - 1900 yards (960 - 1737 m)
Teen/Adult 30"-64" bust measurement
This pattern is available for $7.00 USD buy it now

Thank you for taking a look at my first sweater pattern! There are nine sizes to choose from based on your measurements and desired positive ease. This comfy pullover is designed to have 2-4” of positive ease with a boxy construction. It is knit top-down, raglan-style, with a fun center panel to add some texture and interest. The sweater is finished with a cowl neckline, making it the perfect cool weather sweater. It looks great with leggings, jeans, even pajamas. I recommend using a solid color yarn to really accentuate the center texture panel. This sample was made with Berroco Remix, but any worsted weight yarn works beautifully. I made a second sweater for my mom using Knit Picks Swish and she wears it often.

Yarn: Worsted weight 1050 (1150, 1300, 1400, 1530)(1650, 1770, 1840, 1900) yards

Needles: Size US6 (4mm) double points or long circular for magic loop, Size US8 (5mm) circular 24”-40”, Cable Needle and Tapestry Needle