White Shell Boho Bucket Bag by Anna Meier

White Shell Boho Bucket Bag

March 2020
Sport (12 wpi) ?
16 stitches = 4 inches
in sc in circle
4.5 mm
241 - 246 yards (220 - 225 m)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $3.00.

Why I love drawstring bags: they are super comfortable to close! The summer is approaching and why don’t you try another design for your hard crocheting hands?
This bucket bag I have made from quite sturdy yarn – Macrame Cotton. But, you can use any Sport Yarn you would like to (to repeat this crochet pattern with Sport yarn - take 250g too to be on the safe side).

Bohemian style in bags and clothing is my favourite. I love the freedom of shapes, the diversity of materials and beautiful feminine accents I can put on every item and make it special. The pattern for this boho bucket bag is a written tutorial with over 50 photos of crocheting steps with explanations. Also, as I have made the handmade strap for this bag - I have added a photo tutorial for you too on: how to crochet flowers and leaves, how to attach clasps to the handle and so on.

Level: Easy (have a quick look on necessary skills).

Size: appr. 10” width, 11” height.


size G/7 (4.25-4.5 mm) crochet hook
tapestry needle, scissors
embroidery needle (optional)
stitch marker

Yarn and materials:

250g of Sport yarn (250g skein = 225m), color Ivory – for bag.

20-50g of assorted yarn in matching colors – for strap, flowers/leaves and drawstring ties.

2 golden clasps for strap (50 mm, optional), golden beads for flower on the strap (optional), 1” per 4” piece of beige fabric for strap (optional)

Necessary skills are: ch, sc, sl st, dc, hdc, dc2tog, work in circle, work in FLO and BLO (front and back loops only).

A4 format, .pdf extension. The Title page is available in Photo Gallery.