Winter Hoodie Set 5inch Itty Bitty Baby Dolls by WeGirls

Winter Hoodie Set 5inch Itty Bitty Baby Dolls

by WeGirls
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
8 stitches and 10 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 1 - 2.25 mm
0 - 100 yards (0 - 91 m)
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Winter Hoodie Set for the 5 inch Berenguer Chubby Baby Dolls by JC Toys, Lots to Love Mini Nursery Baby Dolls

Pattern includes Hooded Jacket, Snow Pants and Boots
Jacket is worked from the hood down, minimal seaming, all pieces knit flat on 2 needles, I prefer to use a circular needle and turn just as you would using straight needles.

easy to knit- stitches used: knit, purl, inc, dec, yo, k2tog, k3tog

Size US 1 ( 2.25mm) circular for ease in knitting and a spare dpn in same size, but can be knit on straight needles as well.
3- Small stitch holders or medium-size safety pins
4 ring style small stitch markers
3 – 1/4” buttons
Yarn needle for sewing seams
Thread and needle for attaching buttons

pattern for hand knitting, can be knit using contrasting colors if you choose, many possibilities using your imagination & great for using up odds & ends of different colors of yarns.