Winter Shopper by Anastasia Asanova

Winter Shopper

no longer available from 1 source show
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Fingering
+ Fingering
= Aran (8 wpi) ?
7.0 mm
one size
English Russian
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Notion! All my patterns in eng now are available on my Boosty page ( Please read the “about creator” section before the purchase. Thank you for understanding!

Winnter Shopper - your stylish and spacious market tote bag - perfect match for any warming outfit.

The pattern is a step-by-step written instruction in English (US terms) on how to create the cable crochet textured bag in aran crochet technique.
I also add schematics and stitch pattern charts. Please note all additional videos (in Russian) are available on my Telegram channel in case you will need some visual support. Although you will be able to follow this pattern without videos.

Level: Intermediate

One size.
Width = 36 cm/ 14 ¼’’
Height = 36 cm/ 14 ¼’’
Side Part = 11 cm/ 4 ½”.

Yarn :
● Alize Alpaca Royal (55% acryl, 30% alpaca,
15% wool; 100g per 250 m) - 4 skeins.
● Wool Sea Light Mohair (30% mohair, 70%
acryl; 100g per 230 m) - 2 skeins.
The original pattern is worked with 3 strands held
together throughout (2 Alize + 1 Wool Sea).
You may use any yarn in suggested yardage to substitute.

Leather Handles :
Across the body: 602.5cm/23 ½1” - 2 pieces
or short handles: 402.5cm/15 ¾1’’ - 2 pieces.
You may order them on

Crochet hook: 7mm
Tapestry needle
Should you have any questions, please contact me for assistance.

Get inspiration and share your results after my patterns --> welcome to #mk_lb on Instagram

Please do not copy, rewrite, redirect either text in PDF or any part of it including visual contents. All right’s reserved by Anastasia Asanova, 2022.