Women of Substance Shawl Eleanor Roosevelt by Meagheen Ryan

Women of Substance Shawl Eleanor Roosevelt

no longer available from 1 source show
June 2011
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
stockinette stitch
US 8 - 5.0 mm
500 - 600 yards (457 - 549 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Why is it when history is recorded and taught women seem to get a mention and not the deserved credit due. When this series was first born in my brain it was going to be a few remarkable women, but a few was an injustice. Great changes in this world and moments in history came about due to the work of women but are rarely mentioned and taught in schools. I am perplexed that this happens and yet it continues. So I have designed 50 shawls to honour just a small portion of the women who changed this world.

You will find out the amazing woman the day the KAL starts which will be July 31. I hope you will join us for this the first in the series of mystery KAL, it is our hope that we will raise enough money to send a young woman to University on scholarship so that she can have the chance to change the world.
There will be one shawl per month and each pattern will be 9.00 until after the KAL begins then price will go up.
We hope you join us.
The Ryan Family
KAL takes place in the Ryan Group link text