Women's Two-Tone Crocheted Gloves No. 630 by Bernhard Ulmann Co.

Women's Two-Tone Crocheted Gloves No. 630

Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Details from Nomis Vol. 29, Gloves and Mittens (c) 1988
Women’s Two-Tone Crocheted Gloves No. 630

Bear Brand or Fleisher’s Ever-Match Sock and Fingering
Fingering Yarn
1 oz. each of 2 contrasting Colors A and B

To make gloves in solid color requires 2 ozs. of same color.

Steel Crochet Hook, Size 5

Gauge: 8 sts = 1 inch

Directions start on page 3
Shown on Front Cover

Bernhard Ulmann Co.
Nomis Yarn Co.