Wonnerbaart Gefill by Connie Davis

Wonnerbaart Gefill

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
Gauge not needed for pattern
US 8 - 5.0 mm
200 - 300 yards (183 - 274 m)
7.5" wide, length determined by knitter
This pattern is available for $2.50 USD buy it now

A fun, easy to knit pattern that can be made wider by adding additional stitches in the middle, making it into a stole or even a baby blanket. A versatile design with a twist in its cabling, one that adds a tweak of the unusual to the finished look.

Luxembourgish for ‘wonderful feeling’, is there anything that tops that feeling. The one that comes when your child, has a child? It is one of the most blessed moments, next to being a mom, that you will experience. This scarf, filled with building blocks & twisted cables that rise higher with each level, just like the feeling that grows in your heart.
♥ That special love & pride that God blesses you with in the heart of a grandchild ♥

The actual yardage will vary by the length you decide to knit. A minimum of 200 yards will get you a nice length, more may be needed it you want to make it wider and/or longer.

To make for smaller children or babies, switch out your yarn for a lighter weight & downsize your needles. This will give you a narrower version, just right for the wee ones.

Thank you for knitting this JoyfrogScruggles pattern, praying you enjoyed the journey!! After blocking it is ready to wear warding off those chilly winds, or wrap-up for a toasty gift to a favorite person.


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