Yuti Lace Shawl by Linda Lehman

Yuti Lace Shawl

June 2019
Sport (12 wpi) ?
4.5 stitches = 1 inch
in lace stitch, moderately blocked
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1050 - 1200 yards (960 - 1097 m)
22.5 inches x 72 - 74 inches
This pattern is available for $6.75 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

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This is a pattern for a knit wrap that features two lace stitches that come to us from Japan. Both are interesting and fun to knit. Both are distinct and unique lace stitchesl. The stitches, although they are Japanese, are easily learned by Western knitters, especially those who love knitting lace. All symbols have been “translated” to the ones that most Western knitters are used to seeing.

The pattern also contains instructions for an optional crocheted edging.

All stitches are both charted and written out line by line.

Skill Level: Beginning + - Intermediate (assuming a good working knowledge of lace knitting.)
Skill Level for the optional Edging: Intermediate (assuming a working knowledge of crocheting)

The shawl shown in the sample was made with Lorna’s Laces Hat Bos yarn in Creme Fraiche and was expertly test knitted by Joy Macpherson who can contacted at: Joy.Macpherson@ gmail.com.

The pattern is for sale at:
(In the Beginner to Intermediate Shawl Section)
and right here on Ravelry:

If you enjoy the benefits of purchasing E-Books, there are over 30 separate E-Books listed at the bottom of my design page: https://www.ravelry.com/designers/linda-lehman, and my 5 for 4 discount applies to E-Books as well.

All of my e-books are on sale for members of my group (https://www.ravelry.com/groups/wearable-art-emporium) until October 31st.