You can combine your own set from these motifs and use it in any item. You can use them as the single motifs or as the panels in your sweaters, scarves, shawl, ponchos… whatever you want and imagine.
In each pattern you will find:
the description how to open/close the tassels
the chart
the legend
the textual pattern (if you prefer this way)
in some patterns you will also find the modifications (i.e. the symmetries) So - ordering this collection (now available) - don’t forget to download all the files to have all the motifs! This is truly BIG source, apart it is planned to be convenient to print, so I did my best to place the chart as big as it is possible and that’s why I tried to avoid all the unnecessary things like effects and ornaments. Simply the text patterns and the charts. So you have this source organized in 10 files (volumes) - total 865 pages.