Since the evolution of the craft of hand knitting over two thousand years ago, many traditions and byways have grown up within it.
One of the most fascinating of these is the knitting of fishermen’s jerseys, which by 1900 had become an art form. Traditions for distinctive styles evolved, such as those for the English and Scottish port ganseys, Fair Isle and Aran garments. In many areas special stitch patterns for a particular port or family were worked into the garments, making them the fisherman’s ‘coat of arms’.
This book is an introduction to fisherman knitting, recording its aesthetic, social and economic importance. It provides information about development of basic stitch patterns and gives complete instructions for four garments, which the enthusiastic knitter will tackle with relish.
Illustrated with some interesting photographs of fishermen’s garments and their knitters, some dating from the nineteenth century, it will appeal to all who are interested in such crafts and their history.