patterns > Gay Straight Alliance Toques

E-Book containing several Gay Straight Alliance themed toques - beanies & slouches!
More will be added to this e-book in the future. Keep an eye out for Pansexual Pride Slouch.
Work up these hats in the colours suggested & wear or donate to your local GSA Club. Try your own colours & enjoy the texture of this hat!
Permission granted to make & sell. Please tag & give me credit. Thank you
CHECK OUT this great knitting pattern!!! Supportig a local group as well <3
Available in the e-book::
Straight Ally Pride Beanie representing the Straight Ally Pride Flag.
A straight ally or heterosexual ally is a heterosexual and cisgender person who supports equal civil rights, gender equality, LGBT social movements, and challenges homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.
Gay Pride Slouch representing the Gay Pride Flag.
Gay is most commonly used to describe a person who exhibits sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one’s own sex.
Gender Queer Pride Beanie representing the Gender Queer Pride Flag.
Genderqueer is most commonly used to describe a person who feels that his/her gender identity does not fit into the socially constructed “norms” associated with his/her biological sex. Genderqueer is an identity that falls anywhere between man/boy/male and woman/girl/female on the spectrum of gender identities.
Gender Fluid Pride Slouch representing the Gender Fluid flag.
Gender Fluid, also termed non-binary, is a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, but may feel more boy some days, and more girl other days.
Being Gender Fluid has nothing to do with which set of genitalia one has, nor their sexual orientation.
Transgender Pride Slouch representing the Transgender Pride Flag.
Transgender people are those who have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from their assigned sex.
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eBook published in April 2018