patterns > Knit Pom-Pom Hat Set

The Ear Flaps will keep your child’s ears toasty in winter. Ties can be secured under chin, or just let them hang free. This Hat is knitted around, and the Booties are knitted in two needles. There is no carrying of yarn across the back of the work. To make this cute set, I use the slip stitch pattern.
Includes PATTERNS #017 for the Knit Hats in six sizes:
0 - 3 months
3 - 6 months
6 - 12 months
Includes PATTERN #033 for the Knitted High-Top Baby Booties in four sizes:
0 - 3 months
3 - 6 months
6 - 9 months
9 - 12 months
All sizes have a lot of stretch, and easily fit larger than normal.
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Alena’s Design patterns are protected by copyright, you may not rewrite, photocopy, redistribute, or sell the patterns in any form.