THE models in this new Monarch Hand Knitting Manual are so practical and so constantly in demand that you will wish to refer to it time and again. We have endeavored to choose garments for adults and growing boys and girls which, while voguish, do not quickly go out of style. We have also chosen a very large number of dainty things for children, as well as a carefully selected variety of utility garments which are always desirable.
A few moments spent in studying the simple instructions which accompany every design will demonstrate how any of these beautiful and serviceable garments may be knit with but little expenditure of time and effort, and the delightful results obtained will amply reward you for what is, in reality, a surprisingly easy and pleasant task.
Most important is the selection and the use of the suggested style of Monarch Yarn for each garment described. These particular yarns have been carefully chosen by our designers, having in mind, in each case, the serviceability of the garment as well as the general effect to be secured.
You should be able at your dealers’ to purchase Monarch Yarns in any color or texture. There are seven distinct kinds, in a complete assortment of beautiful shades amd colors for every purpose. Should your dealer be unable to furnish you with the particular kind of shade you wish, please write us, stating your dealers’ name and address, and we will see that you are supplied.