patterns > Orenburg harmony book
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Traditional Orenburg lace patterns are used in the charts, but I created them in a classical way to shows decreases. In traditional Orenburg charts only yarn-over’s would be shown. Included in Description:
• Chart A, A1 – 225 sts wide (edging not included) – square shawl with solid center 3x3 diamond.
• Chart A_2x2 – 201 sts wide (edging not included) – square shawl with solid center 2x2 diamond.
• Chart A1_2x2, B2 – child blanket or warm (less lacy in the center) shawl – 201 and 321 stitches wide, without edging.
• Chart B, B1 – 321 sts wide – large square shawl with center 5x5 diamonds, B1 – large single-circled shawl ( with large center diamond).
• Chart C – 161 sts wide – stole with center 1x6 diamonds. To shorten the stole, omit middle rows, highlighted in the chart.
• Chart D – 201 sts wide – stole with center 2x6 diamonds. To make it shorter, omit middle rows highlighted yellow.
• Chart A – about 1830m (226gr Lidiya yarn, held double)
• Charts A_2x2, A1_2x2 – about 1210m (150gr Lidiya yarn, held double),
• Chart B – about 3300m (408gr, Lidiya yarn, held double),
• Chart C – 1600-1800m (200-210gr, Lidiya yarn, double-stranded),
• Chart D – 2240m, (276gr Lidiya yarn, double-stranded).
Depending on your knitting style, you may use less or more of the yarn stated.
This shawl has 5 pieces: square center (body) and 4 identical borders. Traditionally these shawls are made as one piece, the pattern has grafting photo tutorial.
The pattern is charted & phototutorial.
В книгу входят схемы 2 палантинов с 3-мя вариантами длины, схемы 3 больших платков (с узором 5х5 ромбов в середине, большой однокруговой платок, большой теплый платок), 3 платка среднего размера с узором из 3х3 ромбов в середине, 2 маленьких платка, 1 платок на 1 ромб, и большой платок 6х6, объединенные одним узором.
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eBook published in December 2013